0. Why this tutorial?

Creating a game is one of the most complete programming exercises. Specifically, this tutorial is intended as a support for students who are learning programming, and who want to apply their knowledge to create simple games, first in text mode and then in graphics mode.

We shall start almost from scratch, so the first verson will use little more than a command to display text on screen (Write), then we will see how to check basic conditions (if), later how to repeat a program block (while), and so on.

The tutorial will use the C# language, which simplifies many "routine" tasks, compared to older languages such as C, but also has a less steep learning curve than other modern languages like Java. Moreover, it is a cross-platform language, thanks to the Mono project, so the examples can be tested on Windows, Linux and MacOS X, among other systems, even though the most advanced examples, which will use graphical mode, might run only under Windows.


Terms of Use.

This text may be freely distributed to others, as long as it is not modified. You have permission to use it, but it belongs to its author, Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Cabanes.

This text is distributed as is, without warranty of any kind. If the direct or indirect use of the content of this course leads to any problems in your computer, the author of the text may not be held liable in any case. This text is for personal use: inclusion in any other article, or other media of any kind should be consulted previously to the author and must have been approved. The use of the course implies the full acceptance of these conditions.


How I can help?

If you find any errors, let me know.


How I can ask questions?

If you want me to try to help you, you can reach me at the forums of AprendeAProgramar.com (these are forums in Spanish, but feel free to ask in English)


Which tools shall we use in this course?

We shall use the C# language, building our games on the "dot net" platform or using the Mono project. In the next section will see how to install these tools.


What if I cannot program in C#?

It is very likely that you will be able to follow the tutorial easily if you know any other programming language.